01255 425106

Burrsville Infant Academy

Create a Joy in Learning For Every Child


The Burrsville Academy is keen to engage members of the community in every aspect of our work.  A wide range of volunteers are already involved with the Academy. The team is growing and you too could make a real difference to the local services we offer.

The following are just some examples of the work that our volunteers currently help us with:

  • Literacy and classroom support for children;
  • Burrsville PTA;
  • SEN support for children with additional needs;
  • Craft activities support for children in Year 2

We would love you to be involved in the life of Burrsville. Whether you have a few hours or a few weeks to give, there are lots you can get involved in.
Why not come and join us and learn what a great sense of purpose and achievement can be derived from volunteering.  For more information, contact us.