01255 425106

Burrsville Infant Academy

Create a Joy in Learning For Every Child

Maths at Burrsville Infant Academy

At Burrsville Infant Academy we ensure that our Maths curriculum encourages children to be enthusiastic about their learning. Teachers plan their lessons to include a balance of practical, pictorial and abstract Maths. We build on the skills the children develop and promote problem solving and reasoning.


White Rose Maths

As part of our Maths curriculum we use White Rose Maths. It takes each part of the Maths Curriculum and breaks it down into units or topics e.g. Addition and subtraction, shape. The objectives in each block are broken down into a series of carefully planned small steps to support the teaching of skills. Teachers use White Rose Maths when planning their lessons and adapt accordingly. They also ensure that a range of problem solving and reasoning skills are taught allowing children to apply their skills in a range of ways.


Maths Meetings

At Burrsville we also run Maths Meetings three times a week. The purpose of the Maths Meetings is to develop children’s fluency and mental maths skills. Each meeting is split into activities. We make a Maths meetings as fun as possible and use a variety of rhymes, songs and visuals. As well as our Maths Meetings, every class completes ‘Calendar Maths’ daily.



Numicon is a multi-sensory teaching resources designed to help children visualise numbers. Each number is represented by a different coloured Numicon piece. Children can use this to explore key concepts including addition and subtraction, multiplication and division.