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Burrsville Infant Academy

Create a Joy in Learning For Every Child

Our Curriculum Intent

At Burrsville Infant Academy our mission statement is to ‘create a joy in learning’. We do this through our curriculum by providing children with opportunities to develop life skills and experiences they will remember.


We recognise every child as a unique individual and celebrate differences. Our Burrsville values of equality, love, friendship and respect are threaded through everything we do.


Through our learning dispositions (resilience, confidence, independence, reflective, curious and motivated) we promote learners to take responsibility for their own success.


Each year group has a theme for the term or half term. Within the themes, subjects are taught discreetly. We begin new topics with activities to motivate children for the learning ahead, these are our ‘sparkling starts’. We end topics with ‘fabulous finishes’ which draw together the knowledge gained during the term.


Our children are curious to find out new things and explore the world around them through outdoor learning activities such as Forest Schools. They are inspired to develop their own learning and have a thirst for new experiences.


Engaging parents and making links with the community is an essential part of our school life. Throughout the year we hold multicultural events which children take part in.

Children leave the academy resilient, confident to make decisions and ready for their next step in learning. They become lifelong learners and well-rounded, respected members of society.


Please click here to view our full Curriculum Policy.  

Parent folder
 Art intent (2).pdfDownload
 Computing Intent (2).pdfDownload
 Design and Technology intent.pdfDownload
 Geography intent.pdfDownload
 History Intent.pdfDownload
 Music intent.pdfDownload
 PE intent.pdfDownload
 RE Intent.pdfDownload
 Science intent.pdfDownload
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Parent folder
 Art Overview 2022-23.pdfDownload
 Computing Overview.pdfDownload
 DT Overview 2022-23.pdfDownload
 Geography Overview.pdfDownload
 History Overview .pdfDownload
 Music Overview 2022-23.pdfDownload
 PE Overview.pdfDownload
 RE Overview.pdfDownload
 Science Overview.pdfDownload
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