Year 2

Hazel and Elder class 

Summer Term 2022 - To Infinity and Beyond

Sparkling Start - Invasion Discovery

Fab Finish - Sleeping Under the Stars. 

This term has been very exciting and we have enjoyed learning about space in lots of different ways.  Our fab finish was a great success, we were joined by lots of families and staff for camping fun, games and marshmallows around the campfire. 

This term we are very excited to be learning about space.  Our term started with a discovery of a rocket invasion.  We discovered a rocket had landed in our forest and spent some time looking to see if we had any astronauts on our field.  

Spring Term 2022 - Blue Planet

Sparkling Start - Recycling Day!

Fab Finish - Film Fest 

This term Our topic has been 'Blue Planet' we have all really enjoyed this topic and have all become passionate about looking after our amazing planet!
We have been focusing on history this term and our significant individual Sir David Attenborough. 
We have been learning all about plastic pollution and what it is doing to our planet and to our environment. Our 'Sparkling Start' was lots of fun and we used all the single use plastic brought into school to create sea creatures. In DT we planned what we wanted to use and what our design would look like and then chose what we would need to create them. We had lots of fun and enjoyed displaying them around the classroom. You could do this with any materials you find at home. For example the empty milk cartons, toilet rolls, plastic packaging or newspaper.

We also used all our learning about plastic pollution to design plastic free packaging. We designed how we wanted it to look and thought carefully about what materials and tools we would need. Then we made the packaging!

We started our learning by reading the fantastic story 'Somebody Swallowed Stanley' a story about a poor plastic bag that gets lost in the sea and swallowed by several different animals. 
We focused on adjectives, suffixes, conjunctions and alliteration to write our own versions of this story. 
You could use the skills you have learnt to write your own story!
In history we spent time researching information using reports, books and the internet all about Sir David Attenborough. We learnt what a significant individual was and why Sir David Attenborough was important to history. We enjoyed watching Blue Planet clips and used our knowledge to make timelines  of his life in chronological order. We then wrote letters him to explain to him what we had been learning about and why, we even asked him a few questions too. 
Who else could you write a letter to? Your favourite author, the Queen, a family member that lives far away? You could post it and see if they reply! 
We used what we learnt in history to then write our own non-chronological reports all about Sir David Attenborough. We included different sentence types such as questions, exclamatory sentences and statements to make them interesting. We draw images, wrote captions, and bullet point lists of interesting facts.
You could write your own report using these writing features about anything you know lots about- your favourite animal, football team, or your family. Don't forget to add some bright and interesting pictures to it!
In maths we have been doing lots of learning on multiplication and division. We learnt different ways of calculating multiplications such as using equal groups or using arrays. For division we worked out problems by sharing. We have also worked on learning our multiplication and division facts of the 2, 5 and 10 times tables.
You can carry on practising these at home!
We also learnt all about fractions and divided numbers and shapes into halves, quarters and thirds.
Can you work out different fractions of a number?


Autumn Term - Troublesome Dragons

This term in year two our topic is ‘Troublesome Dragons’. We had an exciting sparking start having a ‘how to train your dragon day’. We went on a dragon egg hunt in the forest and designed and created our own dragon eggs out of clay and gems. 

In English we have been enjoying the text ‘George and the Dragon’ by Chris Wormwell. Before we started reading our text we learnt the new vocabulary in it such as ‘aggressive’ and ‘monstrous’. We enjoyed looking up what these words meant and using them in sentences. 

In our topic we have enjoyed learning new art skills. We have been drawing using pencil and practising creating shapes, tones, shades and texture. We will then revisit using clay and improving our skills to bring our drawings of dragon eyes to life!  

In maths we have been revisiting place value to make sure we have a good understanding of number. We have been using tens and ones, numicon, counting bears, bead bars, and cubes to help us recognise, make and compare numbers. We then moved onto addition and finding our number bonds to 10 and 20. We have used number lines to add and will be using our reading skills to work out addition word problems as well. 

We had a great time learning about Harvest before our visit to St John’s Church. We have learnt why we celebrate harvest, what food is harvested in Autumn, and thought about what we are thankful for. 

We learnt our own class harvest songs and loved learning our school harvest song together with sign language. We walked to the church together, and it was great to be able to celebrate altogether at the church.  

We are looking forward to learning about animals and habitats in science, compass directions in geography, and our DT lessons! 

 Please find below our curriculum map, this is so you can see what we are up to through the year.