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Burrsville Infant Academy

Create a Joy in Learning For Every Child

Welcome to Year 1

Summer term 2021 - Enchanted Forest

Monday 12th April, our forest had been taken over by fairies. They decorated it with bunting, glitter and messages. Year 1 children had to hunt for the notes around the forest, and also found 3 fairy doors! We read all the notes to find out that the fairies had brought all of year 1 fairy cakes and a special necklace. We spent the rest of our sparkling start making our own fairy wands and creating our own fairies doors to let the fairies in. In our classrooms the fairies have brought fairy doors and have left us messages through the week. We need to keep the magic in the classroom so the fairies can use the doors. 
Below are some photos from Cedar class. 

Great Fire of London Fab Finish!

 For our fab finish we had a crafting day. During the day we use a quill to write with, designed a house to look like the houses in 1666 and then made them using cardboard boxes! We worked with a partner and showed them to our parents at the end of the day! 

Great Fire of London - Autumn 2 

 In the second half of the Autumn term we learnt about the Great Fire of London. To start the topic we had lots of questions.

  • Who burnt down London?
  • Who put the fire out?
  • What did they use to put the fire out?
  • Who is Samuel Pepys?
  • What is a diary?
  • Where did it start?
  • How long did it last?  

Our English lessons were then based on these questions and finding the answers to them. We learnt about Thomas Farriner and Samuel Pepys. We completed writing in the form of a diary, we sequenced the events and described the scene using our senses! 

Superheroes in the Big City - Autumn 1 

During the first half of the Autumn term we learnt about Superheroes, both real and made up. We created comic strips, wrote character descriptions and narrative sentences. Here are a few examples of what we wrote...

"Supertato has a red mask. He is wearing a black soft cape."

"Supertato has rough skin."

"Evil Pea is bright green and small."


In Maths we learnt all about numbers. We used practical resources like numicon, cubes and counting bears to help us make numbers. We learnt about how old we are, how many siblings we have and our number bonds to 10! 

 Sparkling Start in Autumn 1  2020

Our Sparkling start for the 'Superheroes in the Big City' was based all on real life superheroes! Children were invited to dress up as their favourite superhero. We spent the day discussing our super power, meeting a real superhero and creating our own shields.

Below are some pictures from Sycamore's exciting day.

Autumn Term 2020

 Please find below our curriculum map, so you can see what we are up to through the year.